Monday, September 5, 2011

Texas Republic gathers supporters

The republic of Texas Nation standing under One Almighty God;

The Texas republic is alive and well since 1836 thru 2011 (Present date);

Saturday September 10th, 2011
*9:30* AM: till 5:00 PM.
At the town of College Station, Texas republic.
Session will be held at 1300 George Bush Dr. Conference Center.
See attached map;


Domiciling on the lands of the sovereign republic of Texas standing under our one creator God will bring all Texians relief from the enslaving statutes that presently bind you and your families.
With your help and support and us all working together we will make the following happen and it shall come true.

1.     April 15th declared a National Holiday called “Freedom from TAXATION Slavery”.
2.     Texians will never see or hear about another enslaving 1040 TAX Form.
3.     Texians will take 100% of their paychecks home if desired.
4.     Texians will not be forced to pay any private property Taxes.
5.     Texians will not be forced to have meters on their wells.
6.     Texians will not be forced to vaccinate their children.
7.     Texians will not be forced to tag their animals.
8.     Texians will not be forced into jail for any debt.
9.     Texians will not be forced to surrender any of their guns used for defence.
10.  Texians will not be forced to sell their lands or be stolen from them by so called eminent domain for creating a new toll road or anything else.
11.  Texians will not be forced to leave our Nation to go fight and die in some foreign war or police action in order to make some one world order elitist group or individual(s) richer.   
12.  Texians will not have their homes taken from them on any courthouse steps for debt as was made law by The republic of Texas Homestead act of 1839, which protected the home of a family from seizure and still does.
13. Texian’s will be free to worship their one creator almighty God as they please anywhere they please.
14. Texians will be free from so called direct Federal Taxes at all Gas pumps. Gas will immediately drop 18.5 cents a gallon.
15.  Texians will be free from paying any hidden taxes at their Grocery. All foods required for survival will drop in price immediately.
16. Texian Chartered Corporations will not be forced to take anything out of their employee’s pay check.
17.  Texian chartered corporations will only pay a 1% import-export fee at all Land borders, Sea Ports and Airports within the Texas republic jurisdictional boundaries and some local counties and some cities. Prices of all products and manufacturing will drop tremendously.

If you are serious about desiring freedom for you and your children and grand children’s future then stand up with us Texians and support the republic of Texas elected government.

All Texians and Texan visitors are welcome.

All are welcome to bring forward any ideas, suggestions, and donations or volunteer their services to help re-build our Nation under one God.
Come meet some real Texians that walk the walk and talk the talk.

Be a part of History in the making!

The republic of Texas began as an internationally recognized Nation by and through several organic International Treaties 1819-1844, including the united States of America, England, Ireland, France, Netherlands and many Indian Tribal Nations throughout North America. It is now re-born.

Bring and fly your Texas republic flags.

Any declared Texian or foreign dignitary wishing to speak to the either House of the Congress. Please contact the your local county representative or district senator or for questions and more information contact me, Texian Ed Brannum at

To Donate; office supplies, land, buildings, specie etc. or be a volunteer, or want to become a rT Senator, Representative, District Judge, County official, Notary or have concerns for other matters such as republic Texian Rangers, Texian County Readiness Volunteers (see web site);

Mail to: Attention. Secretary of State republic of Texas, c/o [PO Box 280], Iola, Texas republic (non-domestic).  

Help us Free the Land of Texas:
Donations of checks, money orders, currency etc. appreciated: Also for purchasing Gold, Silver or Copper medallions.
Pay to the order of: Republic of Texas.

Mail or send by carrier to.
c/o Republic of Texas Trustee
1105 Lawndale Ave.
Victoria, Texas republic near [77901].

Friday, September 2, 2011

Republic of Texas holding elections

Localization defeats globalism; instead of one world order united under one corporation-State driven by the selfish desires of anarchistic individuals, we could have local cultures and self-rule:

for the Texian peoples' republic of Texas

Elections will be held on Monday, the 5 th day of September in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven for offices in all of the republic of Texas districts and counties.

Elections will be for electing and/or re-electing all candidates for elected offices that are up for election in the Districts and Counties of the republic of Texas, including congressional officers as representatives and senators for the sixteenth Congress of the Texas republic and in the county elected offices.

To learn how you can qualify to vote as a Texian Citizen and determine how and when to cast your ballot please visit our website at and click onto the Elections tab for further detailed information.

This election is open to all Texians who have declared domicile on the lands of Texas according to Article 1 of the 1836 Constitution for the republic of Texas as amended in 2007.

Posted by the Secretary of State of the republic of Texas
in accordance with the 1836 Constitution
and the Laws of the republic of Texas
Billy D. Ford, Secretary of State

Visit the Republic of Texas and help them in their quest to secede from the United States and the New World Order (NWO).

You can also get a Texas Secede! bumper sticker from the Texas Secede sticker store.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Nazi group opens membership to all races

From The Unpopular Truth comes this interesting story.

Apparently, a local National Socialist (Nazi) group has reversed course and accepted members of all races. They are doing this to fight globalism, or internationalism, by encouraging every tribe on earth to be nationalist.

Nationalist is a hard word for modern people to understand because revisionist history has tried to obliterate its original meaning. Here's a good definition:

Nationalism is the belief that political groups should be constructed around the idea of "nation," or population group unified by culture, heritage and language.

As such, Nationalist is "rule by culture" where cultural values come before profit motive or popularity, which enables forward-thinking leadership instead. With profit motive, every object and idea and person is for sale, and society leads itself in circles. With leadership, society determines its goals and moves toward them.

The term "nationalism" comes from the term "nation," which has a different meaning in current politics. Currently, the nations of the world are political constructions made of borders, legal systems and economies, called "nation-states." These are not compatible with the view of nation that was common in history up until the last century:

The term "nationalism" is generally used to describe two phenomena: (1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity and (2) the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination. (1) raises questions about the concept
of nation (or national identity), which is often defined in terms of common origin, ethnicity, or cultural ties, and while an individual's membership in a nation is often regarded as involuntary, it is sometimes regarded as voluntary. - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The nation-state, in our current model, uses abstract concepts to unify its populations who have little in common on a cultural or ethnic level, and so become competing cultures. These abstract concepts usually take the form of an absolute which will never be demonstrated as being singularly right or wrong, like "freedom" or "free trade," but in the absence of cultural unity what brings people together is economics. Economics thus replaces culture, and soon every object and idea and person is for sale. - Nationalism FAQ

This means that a nationalist thinks a nation should be defined by an indigenous ethnic group, and that this heritage is a genetic record of culture, and that without a common standard and identity such as that provided by ethnic-cultural similarity, nations fall apart and turn into "nation-states," or political groups based around the State and commerce, not organic culture.

That's a lot for one paragraph.

Another way to put it is asking what the center of your civilization is. Is it culture, heritage, tribal identity, customs and language? Or is it a political idea, like "democratic capitalism" or "libertarian socialism"?

Here's the original Nazi group news release:

Many people have criticized us on the basis of the LNSG being a "postmodern" National Socialist party.

We are postmodern only in the sense that we recognize a decentralized order. That was the postmodern contribution: that no single inherent and absolute order existed, but many interpretations.

As National Socialists, we accept that with a caveat. We recognize that humans may construct as many interpretations as they wish, but we live in the same world and there are natural consequences to acting on wrong or partially wrong interpretations.

Our form of decentralization is that we are not a race-advocacy party. Rather, we advocate for nationalism (and National Socialism) for every ethnic, religious, racial, cultural and geographic group on earth. Our goal is to establish nationalism so that every group may take advantage of it.

In our mindset, white power groups, black power groups, Zionists, Japanese National Socialists, Basque separatists, Southern Secessionists and Maori nationalists are fighting the same struggle: to re-legitimize nationalism and show how it is the only world order that provides lasting stability and sanity to politics.

Any who can understand this message and work toward its implementation are allies of ours and welcome with open arms in our camp. - "Nazi group opens membership to all races"

It should be interesting to watch this one play out. I bet very few of their far-right brethren will understand their point of view at all. And the left of course will never listen to them.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Northern Traditions (ed. Gwendolyn Toynton)

Primordial Traditions is pleased to announce that our second book, Northern Traditions (ed. Gwendolyn Toynton) is now available.

Northern Traditions is a collection of articles on the indigenous Pagan Traditions of Northern Europe. Authors include Matt Hajduk, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Amy Johanna Ahlberg, Troy Southgate, S.R. Hardy, Christopher A. Smith, Stephen Borthwick, Vijay Prozak and Gwendolyn Toynton.

Content ranges from in-depth mythological studies and translations of texts through to ritual reconstruction. The book is divided into two sections, with one half containing Traditional and historic content. The second half of the book is dedicated to contemporary practice and issues relating to the spiritual practice of Northern Traditions in the modern era.

Topics dealt with include a detailed exegesis of Völuspá, examinations of key figures in the Northern mythos such as Odin, Forseti, Tyr and Loki, herbal and botanical uses of plants, ritual reconstruction and ideas for contemporary practice.

Content level is semi-academic. By combining academic level material with practical work the aim of the book is to take contemporary pagan practices to a new level where they can be accepted as a serious spiritual movement.

Currently available from for £18.00

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Anti-democratic thinking may be right

From our sister blog, a few thoughts on Democracy -- and why it may be the wrong system for us in the long term:

Sometimes when you keep trying to solve a problem and can't, what is holding you back is an assumption. If that assumption is basic enough, it's really hard to see.

What are some of our assumptions in this modern age? I'd look toward our most basic values:

  • Equality

  • Democracy

  • Consumerism

Did I miss any?

Politics in a democracy is rough because people do not react to anything but immediate problems. If it can be put off, it will be — because solutions cause inconvenience, cost and most of all, uncertainty. - Amerika

That's a novel idea: supposing it was democracy holding us back. But problems take a long time to arise in democracy, so only a historian would see that.

The Spearhead and its commenters have come under fire from the usual suspects for being too strident, uncompromising and angry, and for not behaving like obedient little boys. Of course, this is a typical political ploy — point out your opponents’ anger as proof that they are the bad guys. Never mind the fact that many, many men have every reason to be angry; that doesn’t matter. What counts is how slick you are and how reasonable you can appear, even if what you’re proposing is unconscionable. - The Spearhead

That's quite a huge problem there. If the method in which you say something is more important than whether it's true, good-sounding B.S. is going to trump truth every time. But that's kind of what democracy rewards. Someone goes on TV and sounds good, or says things we want to be true, and we elect them.

Laura Wood contributes another valuable viewpoint:

We are a democracy, which means that the people themselves have great power. To say that all immigration is good no matter how much, and no matter how culturally distinct the immigrants may be, is to say that it is not important for those who must join together to shape government to forge a common identity and purpose. That is a recipe for political friction and dissolution.

There have been major economic consequences of this great wave of immigration. What we are addressing here are the cultural effects. - The Thinking Housewife

One of the more insightful bloggers to come from popular culture, Jeff at Plague Haus, got into a discussion of democracy with one of his musical subjects, who then said:

It’s down to the individual what they do. Not everyone has the aptitude for certain acts, nor do they necessarily have the need to commit them. One rather obscure gnostic sect back in the early days of christianity believed that (to put it simply) because creation was a mistake, manmade/god-given laws must also be wrong. Therefore they should endeavor to live their lives breaking as many laws as possible. - PlagueHaus

Without a clear purpose, life does seem to be an accident, and rules arbitrary impositions that should be broken. Does democracy cultivate this idea in us? If our societies respond slowly to threats, and discourse becomes a bog through which few which to slog, then we slowly sink into paralysis and give up on the rules having any meaning.

If that's the case, we really should consider the alternatives. I don't see anyone doing that however.